
200! & lately...

Hello 200! Woo hoo! I wish I had something more special to share with this post but most of my projects right now need to be kept under wraps until after the holidays unfortunately. It has been busy in the bubble! I have three illustrated book commissions to finish up and I just took on a commission to bind three blank sketchbooks. And then there are still the Etsy shops, which have a bunch of new things! 

Honestly tho, I miss this level of chaos, I really do. Me and chaos somehow just click. If I have nothing other than one project and loads of free time, it will take me ages to finish. Give me a crazy deadline and a dozen other things to do at the same time and I'll power through it all! Go figure...

Here are some peeks of what is to come! And don't forget about the GIVEAWAY!!!! It's really the easiest thing to enter, and who on your gift list wouldn't love a hand watercolored postcard? 

Mini Lucca prints! In the shop too! 
One of the three books I'm working on...gulp. 
Another framed original illustration in the shop

Soon to be ornaments and Christmas gifts! And a DIY to come soon too...


  1. Your drawing is really amazing, I find this art really worth praising. I am also an artist and find drawing as a source of my inner peace, It is really not less than any therapy for me, I sometimes get so absorbed in my drawings that I forget about everything else even my assignments and have to hire engineering homework experts from US Assignment Helper to meet my academic commitments.


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