
mini sketches - ZOO!

It has been years, possibly even a decade, since I last went to a Zoo. I was lucky to be able to visit the Santa Barbara Zoo today with the young boy I've been homeschooling. We spent the day sketching and moseying around in search of an armadillo and lemurs. Both of which are no longer inhabiting the zoo, but there were plenty of giraffes and flamingos to distract us!

And a couple others. Been using my new fountain pens like a fiend! 


  1. Love those giraffes! I'm hoping to make a trip to the zoo soon so I can sketch too! :)

    1. Me too, they're so fun and awkward to draw! I'd never done it before but I definitely want to go back solo to sketch so I can go at my own pace. Want to try some watercoloring. You should definitely do it! :)


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