

I was starting to get a booking making itch...it has been nearly three months since I finished school and all my projects so I was due for another book! Since I'm in a tiny town in Italy, supplies can be tricky to come by sometimes. Luckily, there's quite a lot of art stuff left behind by past students and a surprisingly well stocked hardware store in town!

For this book, I wanted to use as many found materials as I could...wine in particular. I saved a leftover bottle of Chianti and had some fun dying some paper from an old sketchbook. Combined with some watercolor boards, twine and some handmade paper and Voila!

I made up the stitch by doodling prior to sewing but it's kind of a hybrid of the Caterpillar stitch I used on my 7 Deadly Sins books.

I'm really pleased with how it came out. I think I'm going to continue making books with this process while I'm here, ie trying to use as many found materials as possible. Maybe even let the wine dying crossover into some clothes tie-dye!

The book consists of 9 signatures of 2 folios each. It was fun ordering them and seeing how the different patterns that were created looking with eachother.

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