
Friday Feature: the Scribble Project

Been a while since I last did a FF but this one is a goodie! And has multiple artists...and is interactive! Meet the Scribble Project! I'm really not sure how I am just finding out about the existence of this project now, because it is pretty incredible, and very fun. 

The project is curated by Lisa Currie, who invites different artists around the world to scribble/doodle/draw on blank scribble templates, simple pages with little prompts and drawings to get your imagination going. She features interviews with the invited scribblers on her site but anyone can participate and share their scribbles in the flickr group. There are also Scribble Project Diaries, which are full of pages of drawing prompts, ripe for the scribbling! I'm itching to get my hands on one. Lisa also provides some very entertaining banter/scenarios on her site as well (read this description about the Hairless Cat In A Sweater...you'll see what I mean...)

I spent some time last night clicking back through the pages of interviews and scribbles on her site and I've found some pretty inspiring artists. These are a few of my favorites that I found. 
Rebecca Green
Heidi Deguzman
Halah El-Kholy
I've already printed out and started scribbling on this page. What will you scribble? 

1 comment:

  1. Love this.....nice to have a prompt.

    I'm participating in The Sketchbook Project this year. I've a theme running around my head, but have been so busy that I've yet to put any pen, or what have you, to paper


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