This is all started back when Janice decided to leave her job in Canada and travel across Europe with nothing more than a suitcase and watercolors. Her hobby of painting letters to friends back home quickly drew interest from others and grew into a small business.
Janice now lives in Paris with her fiance and spends her days painting scenes from her travels for a monthly letter. She then personalizes each individual letter to each and every subscriber! I'm sure this is by no means a small feat, seeing how beautiful her watercolors are and how brilliant of an idea it is. I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't love to receive one of these letters. I wish I had thought of this years ago! You can buy subscriptions to the letters in her Etsy shop and follow along with her travels and adventures in Paris on her blog. I will be living vicariously through her blog and likely purchasing a subscription of my own very soon!
absolutely beautiful!