
Weekly Postcard Project: update II

It's a bit daunting that last week I reached week 26 of this project. The year is already halfway over and my project is as well! 

As each week progresses, I can see some changes between week 1 and week 26 already. I'm not sure if the postcards are getting any better but I think my photographs of them are. As a result, I think that's also reflecting in my product photography in my Etsy shop. I'm editing, framing and accessorizing things differently. 

If you're curious to see the full progression, you can see all the postcards together on my website. I really like seeing them all together, especially since I don't have all of them with me anymore! 

I've turned some of them into prints or notebooks already and a few have been added to my Society 6 shop too! I get a kick out of seeing a postcard as a cell phone case or a pillow. 

I still have trouble planning my postcards ahead of time, unless I know that I'm leaving on a Friday or have plans all Saturday. Sometimes I'll have enough foresight to make the postcard on Thursday to photograph on Friday, but not always. It's not uncommon for me to make the photograph on Saturday morning. But that's alright. I didn't expect this project to change my deep seeded procrastination habits in the slightest. 

Keep an eye on my Instagram tomorrow morning for Week 27 of #weeklypostcardlove! And if you haven't signed up for the Sketchy Notions Newsletter yet, you might want to get on it. I have some fun ideas brewing that I'm going to share next week! If you shared it with your friends, I'll love you even more! 


  1. These are just so beautiful and your photography of them is completely spot on. You've definitely given me some inspiration to re-photograph my own etsy shop :)

  2. ooooooooooo i <3 <3 <3 the Shakespeare quote!
    i just want you to like paint a mural in my entire home. haha


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