
full, fat & happy

Terzo and I are back in California. Both of us are full, fat and happy. My plump status is a result of Thanksgiving gorging yesterday. Terzo's is a result of 6 weeks of sketching and travelling around Italy. It went by so fast but it also feels like I've been gone for ages now. And I actually filled Terzo. I repeat, I filled a sketchbook! In 6 weeks. Whoa...

Filling a sketchbook has always been a rare occasion for me. I usually get tired with one, need a change or a new size or some lame excuse to move on to the next blank page. But I actually filled my giant handmade beast, and it feels so good! I'm sad that our travels are finished but I'm so excited to start making some photos of the final spreads, sharing the sketches and stories behind the images and get to making prints for the Etsy shop. 
Full & oh so very fat. 
In other news, I'm now at 105 likers on Facebook. Crazy talk. And I'm just a couple of posts away from my 200th blog post. Even crazier. My first post was way back in November 2009 (oops, I missed the anniversary...) I started this blog as a way to start sharing my work from school, since I didn't have a proper website. It took 3 more years before I made a website but I still love posting on this little blog. With all these little anniversaries and accomplishments, I'm definitely going to do another giveaway like I mentioned before. I'm pretty sure it will be an art giveaway but I'd like to do something else as well... maybe two prizes? So watch the blog and the Facebook page for news on the giveaway, and keep an eye on the Etsy shop too. I'll be working as hard as I can to get prints from Terzo in the shop in time for Holiday shipping. 

Until then, here's some of the final sketches from Terzo and my Italy adventures. 

Went back and reworked this page with a skyline of Castiglion
Brick tunnel in Castiglion Fiorentino, and meloncino night!
Sketching during the blackout by the light of a cellphone
One of my favorite alleys in Castiglion
La cucina! 
The steepest road in town and the iconic church of Castiglion
The courtyard at Santa Chiara in vino!
The main piazza in Siena
Piazza Grande in Arezzo
7 hour layover in Moscow and last minute Rome watercolors at night
Russian cappuccino and the Colosseum at night  
The end...and an excellent quote on sketching I gleaned from another sketching friend...


  1. i love that you got to encapsulate your trip within the bounds of a book that serendipitously provided itself with just enough pages. and i really like that first sketch you scanned---welcome back to the states, though i'm sure there is already plenty to miss from italy.

    1. I'm pretty shocked it worked out so well with the page amount and my departure date. Terzo was sure it was time to go home I guess. It's weird being back like always. It's as if there's this 6 week gap in my life here and I have this odd fat sketchbook to convince me that it actually happened...

  2. You are a talented artist, Chelsea. I hope you have opportunities throughout your entire life to practice your gifts. It has been a pleasure to see through your eyes, and what your hands have wrought. Thank you. ~Debbi

    1. Thanks Debbi! I hope I'll be able to pull off this wandering vagabond life for some time to come :)

  3. I love it! i really like the kitchen utensils... and all of it! bellisima!

    1. Those were so much fun to draw! Giuli kept coming over and asking, "Questa e' per me, si?" Thanks bella!

  4. I love how details the sketches are... I am trying out doing art journaling myself, although I am not even half as talented as you are. I am just wondering, do you use watercolor for the coloring? When you do a sketch there and then, did you have your watercolor with you or did you wait till you come home and then do the coloring?

    1. Hi Soon! I do use watercolor for the coloring, I don't think I used anything else this trip (except the wine painting page!). I do it all on site, I will rarely work from a photo or memory when I'm doing a sketchbook project like this. All on site and in the moment. I would love to see your art journaling sometime too :)

  5. Hey fellow blogger! I stumbled upon your blog and thought I'd share some bloggy love by nominating you for a Liebster Blog Award. If you have't heard of it (I hadn't either until recently), it's a way to share kuddos among the blogging community. You can read about it on my blog: http://asmithofalltrades.com/2012/11/27/liebster-blog-award/. Hope you had a great holiday and to hear from you soon! -- Jess

    BTW, your sketches are beautiful!

    1. Ah! You're so sweet Jess! Thank you so much! I'll be sure to post about this guy and spread some more bloggy love! Happy holidays!


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