

This past week I've felt like I was back in college. Late nights and early mornings, running out of supplies then being rescued by glue saviors, cutting and folding and sewing and painting, then mailing and delivering and now...OOF! The sweet satisfaction of being done! 

In about an hour my family and I head to the airport, where we will catch a red eye to Florida! We'll be spending the holidays visiting Disney World! And Harry Potter World on Christmas Day! The inner nerd rejoices! I definitely need a break after this madness... I'll elaborate more on all the week's craziness when I return but here are some peeks of all the makings this week...
With the help of some munchkins, I painted the backdrop for my sister's school's Winter performance
One of my little books this week, Brave Brody
I was lucky enough to win a giveaway from the lovely and amazing Amy Komar! I loved receiving some love from Alaska! As usual, Zena loved them too and photo-bombed...
I was commissioned to make three blank sketchbooks too! Each with a sketch of mine in the beginning...

The 2nd book I just finished this morning, Every Star! 

Happy Holidays everyone! I'll be back right after Christmas, then more busyness commences...


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